Mobistar first to launch interactive communication via Bluetooth with JCDecaux

Released on = September 18, 2006, 3:40 am

Press Release Author = Etienne Richelle - Alterwave

Industry = Management

Press Release Summary = Today Mobistar, in cooperation with Sony Ericsson, is
launching an innovating campaign in eight major Belgian cities using the new
interactive Bluetooth technology of JCDecaux Innovate. All Bluetooth users can
benefit from a unique one-week offer allowing them to receive free of charge a
Christina Aguilera ringtone if they are within 30 metres of an Abribus. With this
Abribus campaign Mobistar is taking the road of permission marketing.

Press Release Body = Today Mobistar is surprising its customers and other mobile
users with an exclusive Abribus campaign. The telecom operator is the first to use
the new Bluetooth technology from Alterwave commercialised by JCDecaux Innovate
within the 2m2 JCDecaux network. "Traditional mass communication must give way to
new communication methods. This campaign illustrates the concept of interactive
communication and is based on the principles of permission marketing" states Chris
Van Roey, Chief Communication Officer of Mobistar.

The Abribus - equipped with a Bluetooth data server - can detect a
Bluetooth-activated handset within a range of 30 metres. The consumer then receives
a message asking whether he would like to receive a ringtone. If he accepts, the
consumer receives from Mobistar, free of charge, the Christina Aguilera True Tone.
All one needs is a True Tone compatible mobile phone with Bluetooth technology.

"Music plays an important role in the lives of young people. To create a unique
music experience via mobile and to further reinforce our position with the music and
youth segment, Mobistar cooperated with JCDecaux Innovate, Sony Ericsson and Sony
BMG to develop this interactive campaign" comments Van Roey.

The Mobistar and Sony Ericsson interactive Abribus campaign, which is part of a
global Abribus campaign, starts as of today in 8 major Belgian cities (Antwerp,
Brussels, Brugge, Charleroi, Gent, Hasselt, Luik and Leuven)* and runs from 12 till
18 September.

* Brussels, Nieuwstraat and Guldenvlieslaan - Charleroi, Rue de la Montagne - Li�ge,
Place Cath�drale - Antwerp, Meir and Keizerlei - Leuven, Naamsestraat - Brugge,
t\'Zand and Leopoldlaan - Hasselt, Monseigneur Broeksplein at the station - Gent,

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Contact Details = Alterwave, 4 rue de Stehnen, 6700 Weyler,,

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